Helpful Arrangement Guide
Losing someone you care about is a very difficult process to go through and can make planning funeral arrangements seem like an impossible task. Not only are you emotionally affected by their passing, but anxiousness can set in and cause you to worry about what to expect with regards to making arrangements. I just want to talk about this for a bit; just know we've taken great effort to make your experience with us as easy as possible. Here's how:
- We've put a lot of work into making our funeral home a pleasant place to spend time. That means our interior design is easy-on-the-eye, the rooms are cozy and the furniture is comfortable.
- Our staff is both professional yet personable. We believe that when you leave, you'll consider us more than funeral directors; we'll be well-on-our-way to being friends. Friends you can really trust to compassionately care for your loved one, and for your family.
- We've streamlined the funeral arrangement process. Since we've been making funeral arrangements with families for a very long time, we've had ample opportunity to learn the easiest, most efficient way to get through the process. Believe us when we say; it won't take as long as you think.
- Our team is trained to handle all the details, and we do mean all of them. Starting with completing the death notice, making all necessary arrangements with Florists, Clergy, Cemeteries, Reception, Catering, and Venues, providing themed stationary items, Memorial Slideshows & Funeral Service Video, and ending with our AfterCare program which looks after executor items such as Canada Pension, Life Insurance Policies, Medicare & Drug Prescription Programs, Federal & Provincial Pensions, Revenue Canada Agency, and Banking.
Preparing for the Arrangement Conference. . .
We recognize that making funeral arrangements for a loved one is one of life's most difficult tasks. With that in mind, our goal is simple - we're here to help you plan a suitable tribute that is meaningful to you and your family; a funeral should be just what you need it to be. Once you've considered your options and made your choices it's our job to carry out your wishes, professionally and compassionately, relieving you of any further organizational burden and freeing you to deal with your loss with the support of family and community.
Based on our many years' experience, we've prepared the following list of suggestions you may want to review as you prepare to make funeral arrangements. Most of these are questions we will address during the arrangement meeting and the process may be easier for you if you are able to anticipate them.
- Did your loved one leave any special instructions with regard to their funeral arrangements?
- Would you prefer services at your Church or in the funeral home chapel?
- Is there a particular member of clergy or other celebrant who you would like to lead services?
- Do you wish to participate in any special way in the church liturgy or other ritual? For example readings by family or friends, a special eulogy or musical selections?
- What will your loved one wear (you can bring a favourite dress or suit to the arrangement)? Also think about any jewelry you may want us to put on and decide if it is to remain with them or be returned before burial or cremation. Hairstyle is important so a recent photograph is always helpful.
- Have you identified a special charity or church fund to receive donations in memory of your loved one? Other options might include starting a scholarship in their memory.
- Would the family benefit from a quieter, private viewing time - perhaps a chance to introduce the funeral process to young children?
- Did they belong to any service clubs, fraternal organizations, the Legion? If so, those groups may wish to conduct a memorial ceremony. We will gladly coordinate this with the group on your behalf.
- Do you want your loved one buried with a special memento such as a photograph, a gift from a family member, any item which was especially beloved?
- Would you like family members or friends to serve as pallbearers?
- After services are complete there are often floral arrangements not suitable to go to the cemetery. Does the family wish to keep any or to have them donated to a church or other facility?
- You may be eligible for Canada Pension or Veteran's benefits. If you believe so we can help you request the support.
Finally, take a few minutes to complete the Family Arrangement Form. This will ensure that we have most of the basic information required and will help cut down our meeting time significantly so you and your family can get some much needed rest.
Things you can bring . . .
- An updated or favourite photo of your loved one to go with their death notice and their stationary. We can crop and fixed most photos if they are too close to others or the background is too busy
- Their Social Insurance Number and Medicare if you're able to locate it, this is not time sensitive and can be phone in afterwards if they are too difficult to obtain for our meeting.
What to Expect when you arrive at the Funeral Home . . .
With regards to what will happen when you arrive at the funeral home, while we can’t speak to every situation, we can tell you the basics of what to expect.
- When you come through the front door, you will be greeted warmly by a staff member. Names will be exchanged, hands shaken, and some words of comfort will be offered.
- You will be directed to the funeral director's office, or arrangement room, and offered a coffee/tea.
- We will sit down and begin our arrangement meeting. We will be as efficient as possible, Making sure to cover all of the details and fine points.
Our Goal. . .
We will guide you through the entire arrangement process, explaining how you can create a memorable, personal celebration of your loved one’s life. Unlike a birthday or an anniversary, a funeral only happens once, so we will strive to do everything we can to appropriately honour the life of your loved one. Providing you with the information and knowledge we have learned over the years will enable you to select and personalize the most meaningful arrangements. This will ensure that family and friends left behind are able to properly grieve, express, and heal.
Remember to take a moment to complete our online, easy, Family Arrangement Form and please feel free to contact us at any time. We are always just a phone call away.